• Robert J. Hill, Michael Scholz, Chihiro Shimizu and Miriam Steurer (2020), Rolling-Time-Dummy House Price Indexes: Window Length, Linking and Options for Dealing with the Covid-19 Shutdown, CSIS-Discussion Paper, No.166, The University of Tokyo.
  • Erwin Diewert and Chihiro Shimizu(2020), Residential Property Price Indexes: Spatial Coordinates versus Neighbourhood Dummy Variables, CSIS-Discussion Paper, No.165, The University of Tokyo.
  • Daniel McMillen and Chihiro Shimizu (2020), Decompositions of Spatially Varying Quantile Distribution Estimates: The Rise and Fall of Tokyo House Prices, CSIS-Discussion Paper, No.164, The University of Tokyo.
  • 清水千弘・馬場弘樹・川除隆広・松縄暢(2020), Walkabilityと不動産価値: Walkability Indexの開発, CSIS-Discussion Paper, No.163, The University of Tokyo.
  • 鈴木雅智・清水千弘(2020), 物件レベルの資料請求量を用いた住宅市場の需給バランスの測定:首都圏中古マンション市場を対象に, CSIS-Discussion Paper, No.162, The University of Tokyo.